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2011 Academic Encouragement Award (31nd Medical Informatics Union Conference)
Excellent Presentation Award
Time-series mining of nursing actions accumulated in hospital information systems - Towards nursing path creation support -
Haruko Iwata
Shimane University Graduate School of Medicine
Towards the establishment of safe and reliable medical imaging tests in response to the aging of the population
Masashi Sasaki
Kagoshima University School of Medicine and Dentistry Hospital
Automatic extraction and evaluation of drug side effect information based on syntactic patterns
Emiko Shinohara
The University of Tokyo Hospital
Proposal of a multilingual medical support system using example bilingual translation and machine translation
Shun Ozaki
Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering
Impact and usefulness of electronic medical record updates on pharmacist work
Genichi Kinoshita
Nagoya Second Red Cross Hospital Pharmacy Department
Young Encouragement Award
Automatic DPC coding from treatment information according to length of stay
Kazuya Okamoto
Kyoto University Hospital
A method for utilizing biological information monitor data using the distributed processing framework “Hadoop”
Kozo Mizutani
Teikyo University Medical Information Systems Research Center
Relationship between hospital organizational culture and patient satisfaction: Analysis based on multicenter benchmarking data
Masayuki Tanaka
Department of Health Economics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Consideration of nurse call data analysis to prevent patient falls/fall accidents
Kenji Fukuoka
Department of Intelligent Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
Consideration and evaluation of the risk of acute renal dysfunction caused by NSAIDs