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2014 Academic Encouragement Award (34nd Medical Informatics Union Conference)
Excellent Oral Performance Award
Development of a secret sharing backup environment for documents in a unified document management system (DACS) using Secret Share technology
Naoki Mihara
Department of Medical Information, Osaka University Hospital
Encouragement oral presentation award
Proposal of a processing scheme for normalizing body part representations
Emiko Shinohara
Center for Disease Biotechnology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
best poster award
Actual status and consideration of usage instructions for injection orders at multiple facilities
Takashi Okahashi
Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital Pharmacy Department/Medical Information Room
Encouragement poster award
Development and usage examples of the International Classification of Living Functioning (ICF) code search support system - Comparison of existing living functioning assessment forms using ICF -
Fumitsu Mikami
Kawasaki University of Health and Welfare, Faculty of Health and Welfare Management, Department of Medical Informatics
Excellent HYPER DEMO Award
Proposal of a real-time monitoring system that can be used in home medical care and home care
Noriko Sakano
Okayama University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences