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2015 Academic Encouragement Award (35nd Medical Informatics Union Conference)
Excellent Oral Performance Award
Rapid antibiotic efficacy evaluation method using white blood cell particle size pattern in MRSA infection
Hiromi Kataoka
Kochi University Medical Information Center
Comprehensive evaluation of drug-induced interstitial pneumonia incidence with anticancer drugs
Yoshishige Shimai
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
best poster award
Survey on the usefulness of a health and medical activity data entry system using a tablet terminal
Naoko Arakawa
Chubu University Faculty of Life and Health Sciences
Excellent HYPER DEMO Award
Development of an image diagnosis support system using an image diagnosis knowledge base
Kosuke Sasai
Konica Minolta, Inc. Healthcare Business Headquarters Development Department
Research Encouragement Award
Research on future estimation methods for demand for home medical care
Shunsuke Doi
Department of Regional Medical Cooperation, Chiba University Hospital
Development and evaluation of EHR Phenotyping algorithm for type 2 diabetes cases using SS-MIX2 standardized storage
Rina Kagawa
Department of Medical Information Economics, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Data sharing in electronic medical records between multi-vendor systems using a shared database
Taizo Murata
Department of Medical Information, Osaka University Hospital