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2020 Academic Encouragement Award (40nd Medical Informatics Union Conference)
Excellent Oral Performance Award
Effect of early dietary initiation within 3 days of admission in cerebral infarction patients on post-discharge outcomes -Efficacy verification by propensity score matching using national DPC data-
Kazuto Ikezawa
Department of Gastroenterology, Tsukuba Memorial Hospital
Developing and examining the usefulness of a self-management support ICT system with enhanced goal setting support and automatic feedback functions for increasing the number of steps - A before-and-after comparison test targeting workers with high blood pressure -
Tomomi Shimoda
Department of Planning and Information Management, University of Tokyo Hospital
Proposal of cervical cytology image clustering method using YOLOv3
Yuta Nanbu
Future University Hakodate Graduate School of Systems and Information Science
best poster award
Presenteeism risk analysis in nursing behavior and verification of the possibility of IoT sensing
Yoshiko Yamashita
Nagoya University Hospital Medical IT Center
Excellent HYPER DEMO Award
Development of “Saga Hepatitis Mapping”, a map application with the participation of medical workers that disseminates hepatitis information
Yurina Takada
Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of Global and Social Coexistence
Research Encouragement Award
Individual patient disease prediction and relational data mining using matrix factorization
Yuki Sumiya
Tokyo of Technology, School of Engineering
Quantitative assessment of the risk of personal information leakage from a general-purpose language model pre-trained on medical records
Yuta Nakamura
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
Development of Japanese disease name normalization system