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2022 Academic Encouragement Award (42nd Medical Informatics Union Conference)
Excellent Oral Performance Award
Development of automatic feature extraction method for electronic medical record data structure by unsupervised learning using graph representation learning
Michihisa Seki
Department of Planning and Information Management, University of Tokyo Hospital
Developing a highly explainable method for predicting similar cases by combining medical knowledge and machine learning using text data from electronic medical records
Rei Noguchi
Gunma University Hospital System Integration Center
SS-MIX2 Semantic investigation of date data items - Empirical research towards establishing methodology -
Akashi Yamashita
Nagoya University Hospital Medical IT Center
best poster award
Exploration of factors promoting/hindering ICT adoption and medical information network participation in insurance pharmacies
Hidehiko Sakurai
Hokkaido University of Science
Excellent HYPER DEMO Award
Development and evaluation of teaching materials to improve physical assessment skills using mixed reality technology
Tomoharu Matsumoto
Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
Research Encouragement Award
Mapping of drug codes in Japan and the U.S. and comparison of drug interaction information using domestic and international drug information databases
Yukinobu Kawakami
Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Medical Informatics
Development of technology to extract important findings from structured radiology reports
Kento Sugimoto
Medical Informatics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Basic verification of patient stratification AI technology based on treatment effects