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Standards and related documents
JAMI standard (JAMISDP02): Prescription information HL7FHIR description specification (PDF version)
(Board of Directors approval date: January 2022, 1)
JAMI standard (JAMISDP03): Health examination result report HL7FHIR description specification (PDF version)
(Board of Directors approval date: January 2022, 1)
Officially recognized by Japan HL7 Association (HL7J-FHIR-001): Medical information provision form HL7FHIR description specifications (PDF version)
JAMI is in charge of maintenance work and posting.
Officially recognized by Japan HL7 Association (HL7J-FHIR-002): Discharge summary HL7 FHIR description specifications (PDF version)
JAMI is in charge of maintenance work and posting.
JAMI Standard (JAMISDP04): Specification for ePath data elements and structure (Ver.1.1.0) (ZIP version)
(Board of Directors approval date: January 2021, 11)
JAMI Standard (JAMISDP01): Prescription/Injection Order Standard Usage Standard (March 2024, 3 version) (ZIP version)
(Board of Directors approval date: January 2012, 2)